Friday, June 30, 2006


Watch this picture, it's, needless to say, a view of in-world a girl left of me built. But I'd been there, I could hear sound of streem, could see the birds fly. So I could feel a atmosphere of the place where I went to explore arround with friends in childfood. It's really great, isn't it? Just rezzed virturally miniascape which can bring such feel out. That's made by certainly skill and sense of her.

I can't create such cool garden now but I wish my products give something emotional for peoples who got.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everyone got crazy

It happens frequently that all of there got something crazy after a party with raised edge.

That happened the night too. After end of a party, me and some guys had been dancing for a while. Then a woman took an object named "Rainbow Cow" out from her inventory to begin dancing. And she provided it to all of there. Not to mention, also we began dancing with cow as first her did. See this picture! What a strange scene!! We all got crazy then obviously.

So we spend the night of SL again. lol

Sunday, June 25, 2006


spacenightI had a party yesterday named "Space Night" at Togenkyo the Japanese community sim. My friend Terrace and Kenji organized it, so I could furnished my new product Nautily chair SpaceNight model (You can see them in the picture, under the title board of SpaceNight) as prize of lot. The party was big success. Organizers were so good, DJ was cool, Buider was fantastic. Many awesome peoples (who speak Japanese or other) came and enjoyed dance, conversation, and fireworks as audience participants.

I met some of newbie Japanese there. They said SL is great relaxed game. That's right. There are no goal or mission to clear the game, just play as player likes similar to real life. I realized it again with to join as one of sponsors.


The prize chair I furnished was sent to Ms. Luann. Thanks to get!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I'm now getting ready to start selling my product. Mostly of those are furniture such as chairs, benches, and tables. I would make my products relaxing and sophisticated taste so I create them of varied colors and simple low-lag form. [ All products have over 10 colors varied per each model, and most of producs are created to be less than 7 prims. ]

And I named my first shop's title "KAGU". Mascot is the clorful shadow of a bird in the logo. KAGU is from a very unique species "Kagu" live in highlands of the island of New Caledonia. Yes, it's New Caledonia! We can feel sophisticated then relaxed air from that name. I wish you take such feel from my product. Interestingly, "Kagu" is the word means furniture in Japanese actually.

Anyway the word KAGU must be pronounced [ kəg ] like RUG [ rəg ], not [ kājoō ].


KAGU will be launched early in July 2006.
I can show you my new products in a good time.

Monday, June 19, 2006


I noticed that I've got a wrong setting in this blog. That ban to post comment. I appologize about that.
Now I changed setting to anybody can post. I wish you feel free to write anything on.

Calm home

her new homeThere are many types of style to play SL. Some people create stuffs after create, others are in single-minded pursuit of making money, meanwhile there are peoples who spend their money to buy cloth, shoes, hairs, even their face everyday. That's all right, diversity is the most SL-like point actually.

Anyway I have a awesome friend of mine who lives in game with her family of SL. I met her at her new beautiful home by the ocean. There were calm time with her family. Even in game, the relationship of her between her family was real. I think it is one of the most SUTEKI style of SL.

I'm very happy to have friends who take such style of.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I've got brand-new stuffs

In the last posted entry, I said that created new chairs. Now I make an improvement to get higher quality finished. So I've got some brand-new chairs! I want to sell these chairs when I own my store if peoples like. I'm happy if you talk to me when you see Tenra Skolnick in the world or to check that stuffs out.

Then I've got another brand-new one. It's an email address that is "". Please see the domain, don't you think it is perfect for Second Life? Feel free to email me when I'm offline but no spam please. lol

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Laid-back time with friends

In the world of SL, anybody can create something as their imagination, possibillity is unlimited. So there are many cool creators in SL.

Also these two friends are great creator. Man look like a boy of left who can make dude vehicles or robots with lots of his playful mind. Beautiful woman of center, she is the avater and av's skins specialist. Stuffs made by her are really cool, cyber and sexy actually. It's a very attractive point of SL that easy to talk or to became a friend with such great creators. It makes my SL wonderful to spend my time to talk or show work each other with these awesome friends long time. And there are a lot of things to learn in conversation with great creators.

Anyway, what I could create was just these psychedelic chairs to laid-back. lol

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Behavior in SL

quiet_teatimeFrom first time I began SL, I'm keeping to feel that my behavior is reflected with my RL. For example, I love to spend my time to have some coffee by the ocean in RL, similarly I enjoy that even in virtual world SL.

Do you think it funny? I don't think so, it must be natural. Most of peoples act as in RL at this particular game SL. Or otherwise there are peoples who act total different from their real life. You know it comes from their inside actually. It like the other side of coin. There is only one coin.

Thus, I spend my time to relax in SL today. lol

About me

Tenra SkolnickI'm Tenra Skolnick in the game of SL(Second Life). When I'm on the game I like to talk with peoples who come from all over the world. Please talk to when you see me, not hesitate. It's really exciting for me.
Thankfully, I've got very SUTEKI* friends now. They make my SL great.

In the RL(real life) I live in Japan now. I love this country cuz there are many beautiful landscape, good foods, and awesome peoples.
Anyway, I like cooking in RL, I guess it's useless skill for creating something in SL though. When I cook delicious cuisine, nobody can't eat that in SL, lol.


*SUTEKI is one of most favorite word in Japanese. It means "cool", "nice", or "beautiful". I wish you make sense out of this word and try to use.