I was bitten by...
It happens any kind of things in SL as you know. But I guess experience of "bitten" is rare case, isn't it?
It was a time just arround 2:00am. I was chatting with some friends on cafe. Suddenly a girl of there turned quiet, and she began to lean her head. Then she stood up to walk arround with her arms forward!
Yes! She turned into a ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!
First she was chasing young tall newbie boy for a while. So finaly, she swept in me!!!
She pushed me down, jumped on top of me, began to bite meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's suteki....? hmmmmmmm i can't think so but not so bud. LOL
Everybody can be what they want to be in SL, though It is suteki.
Warning! Picture of this entry contains violent or atrocious description. Be careful to open it.
......sounds serious? It's only a pic from a game. lol
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TENRA has you open a store and increases at an opportunity to meet you again and is glad.
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